For us, biological waste is actually natural bio-factories of bioactive substances.

The bioeconomy, the biological heart of the circular economy promoted by the European Green Deal and Agenda 2030 and an integral part of the One-Health vision, includes all economic activities deriving from bio-based products and processes that have the potential to contribute to sustainable solutions for the global challenges on food, health, energy and the environment. Through the enhancement of biological waste, we want to transform woods, cultivated lands, coasts and the production processes connected to them into natural bioactive substances, favoring the creation of innovative secondary and tertiary products with high added value. For us, biological waste is actually natural bio-factories of bioactive substances.

A single health for humans, animals and the environment, an approach in which the protection and safeguarding of well-being are no longer limited to humans. The promotion of a sustainable, resilient and durable ecosystem for all the inhabitants of the planet, a circular and integrated system characterized by interdependence and multidisciplinarity. Officially recognized by all major national and international organizations, the One-Health vision addresses the present and future challenges of our planet.